Rocky Mountain Motorsports Circuit Sound Level Update

Rocky Mountain Motorsports Statement:

Over the past few years, Rocky Mountain Motorsports (RMM) and Mountain View County (MVC) have been in a disagreement around the application of the sound bylaw. In this matter, MVC alleged that RMM was in breach of its sound bylaw and was issued a stop order, which is why we have been unable to provide better clarification on vehicle sound limits, and why we have been sensitive to overall sound levels at track events last season. 

We are pleased to announce that the Provincial Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) has made its ruling on RMM’s appeal of the stop order issued by MVC against the track. It has ruled in favour of RMM, confirming that RMM’s interpretation of the sound regulations is correct, and determined that the stop order is to be revoked.

This now lifts the additional restrictions that were in place during and prior to the stop order. RMM looks forward to operating the track in accordance with its business plan and the confirmed sound regulations. RMM will continue to operate respectful of MVC and neighbours in keeping with both the letter and spirit of the sound regulations.

RMM committed to develop a world-class motorsports facility right here in Alberta, and now we can deliver on that commitment. We look forward to the 2024 operating season!

RMM Lifetime Memberships Selling Now. All 2024 Track Event Bookings Available!

Rocky Mountain Motorsports

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